ANNE CASEY EDUCATION(ACE) LIMITED Health and Safety Policy ANNE CASEY EDUCATION(ACE) LIMITED values the health, safety, and well-being of our workers. We understand that it is our duty to nurture a mindset of continual improvement when it comes to workplace safety. All workplace parties hold a responsibility to speak up when they witness unsafe behavior or processes. As your employer, ANNE CASEY EDUCATION(ACE) LIMITED will take every precaution reasonable to prevent workplace injury and illness. We will go beyond the bare minimum standards for health and safety . Our goal is to proactively prevent workplace accidents. ANNE CASEY EDUCATION(ACE) LIMITED Group will identify and address workplace hazards. Safe work practices, policies, and procedures will be clearly communicated and made easily accessible to all workers. Training will be provided before the use of any machinery, and routine inspections will take place to ensure its safe operation.  Sub-contractors must be competent and duly diligent toward the safety of the workers under their supervision. They are responsible for conducting routine workplace inspections, providing training to workers, and keeping documentation.  Every sub-contractor will receive the training and information necessary to perform their duties safely. Sub-contractor have a duty to follow regulations, company policies, procedures, and any other applicable laws. All sub-contractor have the right to refuse work if they believe it to be unsafe. Suppliers and contractors must have policies that align with our safety policy and program. Sub-contractors and visitors on-site will be informed of our safety program, policies, and procedures. The internal responsibility system is a core principle of ANNE CASEY EDUCATION(ACE) LIMITED. It is in our best interest to look out for each other so we can all go home safe.