Government of Jersey

  • Category: Education digital strategy
  • Client: Government of Jersey
  • Project date: 01 September, 2023
  • Project URL:

Government of Jersey

ACE Ltd were appointed in Spring 2022 by the Government of Jersey, to evaluate how digital technologies were supporting teaching and learning in schools, and the development of relevant skills more broadly across the education service. In November 2022, a final evaluation and strategy report was presented by Anne Casey and her team, in a public launch of their findings and key recommendations.

Anne and her team worked throughout this time to a series of agreed deadlines, providing ongoing updates to senior GoJ officers, and engaging skilfully with a wide stakeholder group. The team managed the variety of stakeholder interests and motivations and quickly gained insight into sensitive legacy issues, handling all interactions with great skill and obvious experience for this work.

Their background as education consultants was strongly evident throughout their work, and particularly in the many workshop presentations and engagement sessions they coordinated. The ACE team gained the trust of teachers and GoJ officers in equal measure, representing all party’s views and ambitions with equal transparency and a refreshing honesty.

The end result has been a decisively written Digital Education Strategy, complete with recommendations and an additional table of linked actions for the GoJ to implement. ACE Ltd have performed every task required of them, and in several cases offered further input, in a timely manner, using a professional and engaging approach which resulted in strong and trusted partnerships being forged between all parties involved.

I would not hesitate to use the ACE Ltd team for any such future work for GoJ, and would be happy to refer them to other organisations if requested.

Dave Roworth

Senior Advisor, Digital & Innovation

Government of Jersey

Skills Jersey | Bermuda House | Green St | St Helier | Jersey | JE2 4UH